UMR 204 NutriPass
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
911 avenue d'Agropolis - Montpellier
- Directeur d'Unité :
- Directeur Adjoint :
Secrétariat :
Catherine Philibert
+33 (0)4 67 41 61 73
Christine Ponchaux
+33 (0)4 67 41 61 18
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
44 boulevard de Dunkerque
13572 Marseille
IRD Occitanie
911, avenue Agropolis
34394 Montpellier

Université de Montpellier
163 rue Auguste Broussonnet
34090 Montpellier
Montpellier SupAgro
2 place Pierre Viala
34060 Montpellier
The food and nutrition insecurity
Research axis « Food ans nutrition insecurity » revolve around two main themes :
1. The study of the relationship between poverty, food insecurity and nutritional status at the population level. It is about major and very current questions in public nutrition, totally related to Objectives 1, 2 and 3 of Sustainable Development. Despite undeniable progress in recent years, the number of people suffering from malnutrition remains unacceptably high in some countries. The situation is the result of the recurrence of food crises in countries at risk, the impact of the global economic situation, but also fears related to climate change and the increasing wold population in the coming decades. Our works focuse on the development of proxies indicators of food safety and diversity, and on analyzing the relationship of these with the nutritional status of individuals. We also conduct impact assessments of interventions called "sensitive nutrition" in different contexts, and including money transmission operations, strategy increasingly popular in the current context of recurrent crises.
2. The study of the continuum maternal nutrition - pregnancy / birth day - growth of the young child, according to a global approach integrating nutritional, infectious but also environmental elements. This search more centered on the individual concerns the period of "1000 days" (of the child's conception to age two); critical period where stunting is, whose consequences are significant in terms of morbidity, mortality, physical and intellectual development of the child, but also in terms of economic productivity in adulthood and increased susceptibility to chronic diseases related to diet. A big part of stunting is acquired in utero, where the central role of low birth weight in what is called the intergenerational transmission of malnutrition : girls with stunting become more often small adult female, suffering also frequently multiple deficiences, and give birth in their turn to children presenting an intra-uterine stunting. This approach called "life cycle" shows the importance of acting early - at least during and preferably before pregnancy - to fope for a sustainable impact on the fight against malnutrition policies.
The Programs
Improve food and nutrition security in West Africa : Understanding the role of social transfer programs
Our team is conducting at present in West Africa researches estimating the impact of strategies of monetary transfers (packaged or not) associated with nutritional goals and containing for it a component with more direct and fast action. We also conduct more global assessments including not only the impact on health and nutrition, but also targeting procedures, implementation strategies, the interest of conditionality associated with the transfer, ect. This research has led to the drafting of concept notes (+ link), in collaboration with the Poverty & Health department IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute), and the following projects :
Snack (Mali)
The program Snack (Santé Nutritionnelle à Assise Communautaire à Kayes // Nutritional Health in Assisi Community in Kayes) is piloted by the Programme Alimentaire Mondial (World Food Programme) (PAM Bamalo) with support from UNICEF. Established since 2011 in three districts of the Kayes region of Mali, the project aims to improve the nutritional status of women and young children on the crucial period of 1000 days, based on screening activities / treatment of acute malnutrition and prevention actions. In 2014, the PAM has introduced a new component called « Cash for Nutrition Awareness» (CNA), in which pregnant and lactating women receive a monetary transfer conditioned by attendance at health centers during the period of 1000 days and / or a nutritional supplement ready to us for children between 6 and 24 months ; the aim being to reduce the stunting. Nutripass and IFPRI are responsible for evaluating the process and impact of the CNA component, according to a randomized protocol of controlled study and using a mixed approach combinig quantitative and qualitative surveys.
Duration : 48 months (from july 2013)
Funding : World Food Programme, Unicef and IFPRI
Nutripass coordinator :
Mathilde Savy
Others involved Nutripass members :
Yves Kameli,
Sonia Fortin and
Yves Martin-Prével
IFPRI coordianators : Agnès Leport and Amanda Zongrone
Jigisémèjiri (Mali)
The program Jigisémèjiri (Tree of Hope) was launched in June 2014 by the Government of Mali. Its objective is to reduce poverty through targeted cash transfers, accompanying measures and preventive nutritional packages with 62 000 households distributed in 8 regions of the country. IFPRI and Nutripass jointly realize the impact of evaluation of this program in 5 regions of Mali, according to a controlled randomized study, and with a particular focus on food consumption, food security, and household dietary diversity as well as on nutrition and child development.
Duration : 24 months (from august 2014)
Funding : Unicef, Banque Mondiale (World Bank)
Coordinators : Melissa Hidrobo, Shalini Roy, Lieven Huybregts, IFPRI
Nutripass coordinator :
Yves Kameli
Others involved Nutripass members :
Mathilde Savy,
Sonia Fortin and
Yves Martin-Prével
Cash Transfers in Togo
This program, implemented by the Government of Togo with the support of the World Bank and UNICEF, aims to improve the nutritional status and health of children and the protection of their rights, un 5 prefectures in Northern Togo. It consists of a monthly cash transfer for pregnant women and mothers of children under two years old, during the period of 1000 days, associated with a package of services including the management of acute malnutrition, monitoring the growth of children and talks about the needs and child rights. Nutripass is responsible for :
- the process of evaluating the program.
- the impact of the assessment of the program on the welfare of the child's health and nutritional status.
- the analysis of program costs.
Duration : 30 months (from april 2014)
Funding : Unicef, Banque Mondiale (World Bank), Fonds Japonais (Japanese Funds)
Nutripass Coordinator :
Mathilde Savy
Others involved Nutripass members :
Yves Kameli,
Sonia Fortin and
Yves Martin-Prével
PhD Student: Justine Briaux (ISPED, Bordeaux)
GloFoodS (GLObal Food Security) is a mataprogram launched in June 2014 by CIRAD and INRA. It offers a research program over a decade, by bringing together researchers and engineers from multiple disciplines around a common theme : transitions for global food security ( UMR Nutripass participates in two projects funded in the first call for projects launched by GloFoodS :
The Salima project (Sécurité ALimentaire des Individus des Ménages Agricoles // Food Security of Agricultural Households Individuals) is interested in decisions made within agricultural households for the allocation of resources (times, money, goods, capital) and the impact of these practices on the food security of individuals in the household. The project includes a data recovery phase existing in Burkina Faso, collected in 2010-11 under the coordination of our team, and two field phases in Nicaragua and Madagascar. The data collected in two rural provinces of Burkina Faso allowed to study the relations between the food insecurity of the household and the satisfaction of the nutritional needs for both categories of vulnerable individuals such as women of childbearing age and young childrens.
Duration : 24 months (from july 2015)
Funding : GloFoodS (Global Food Security)
SALIMA Coordinator : Emmanuelle Bouquet et Sandrine Dury, UMR Moisa, CIRAD
Nutripass researchers involved :
Yves Martin-Prével and
Marie-Claude DOP
Premedit is a preliminary study for the construction of a collaborative project on nutrition security in arid Mediterranean. It is an extension of the project MEDINA ( in which two pilot Nutripass Work Packages and explores the question of food systems in the Mediterranean. Premedit offers a multidisciplinary methodological reflection "nutrition - marketing - economy" to :
- analyze food consumption, nutritional status and the nutritional quality of the diet in Mediterranean.
- offer products enabling better coverage of needs, taking into account specific population.
- propose public policies to ensure nutritional security.
- evaluate the impact on the local supply in line with the practices and international trade.
Duration : 24 months (from june 2015)
Funding : GloFoodS (Global Food Security)
Coordinators : Sandrine Costa, UMR Moisa, CIRAD et INRA
Nutripass researchers involved :
Edwige Landais,
Eric Verger,
Yves Martin-Prével
Maternal nutrition and early gestational malaria : what effects on fetal growth and health of the newborn ?
This research is conducted within the project RECIPAL (REtard de Croissance Intra-utérin et PALudisme (Delay of Intrauterine and Malaria Growth)) to So-Ava in Southern Benin which offers a unique setting to allow to distinguish the role of the nutritional status of women before and during pregnancy. The RECIPAL nutrition component allows studying the role of diet and nutritional status of the mother on the course and outcome of pregnancy for the health of the mother and the child, with a focus on fetal growth and taking into account the combined effect of early malaria, another major determinant of fetal growth. Food consumption of women will be particulary studied in a thesis project entitled « Alimentation et nutrition avant et pendant la grossesse au Bénin : quelles conséquences sur la croissance fœtale ?» (Food and nutrition before and during pregnancy in Benin : what consequences on fetal growth ?).
Duration : 42 months (from june 2014)
Funding : National Agency for Research
RECIPAL Coordinator : Valérie BRIAND, UMR Merit, IRD
Component Nutrition : Nadia Fanou-Fogny (Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques (Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Abomey Calavi),
Agnès Gartner and
Yves Martin-Prével, UMR Nutripass, IRD
Nutrition PhD Student : Diane Djossinou-Monkotan (cotutelle UAC/UM)