UMR 204 NutriPass
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
911 avenue d'Agropolis - Montpellier
- Directeur d'Unité :
- Directeur Adjoint :
Secrétariat :
Catherine Philibert
+33 (0)4 67 41 61 73
Christine Ponchaux
+33 (0)4 67 41 61 18
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
44 boulevard de Dunkerque
13572 Marseille
IRD Occitanie
911, avenue Agropolis
34394 Montpellier

Université de Montpellier
163 rue Auguste Broussonnet
34090 Montpellier
Montpellier SupAgro
2 place Pierre Viala
34060 Montpellier
Christèle (Icard)-Vernière
Research Engineer IRD
U.M.R 204 Nutripass
911 avenue d'Agropolis
B.P. 64501
34394 Montpellier cedex 5
Scientific and Administrative Responsabilities
- Head of the analytical platform IRD-Nutripass
- Prevention officer of the UMR officials welcomed on the IRD site
- Interlocutor for Quality Approach
- Master 2 Internationale Nutrition, of the Master's degree Nutrition and Science of Food of the University of Montpellier : Intervention in the UE « Voies Alimentaires d’Amélioration des Situations Nutritionnelles » (Food-based approaches for a healthy nutrition).
- Professional License (L3) "Nutrition et Alimentation Humaine » (Human Nutrition and food), IUT de Montpellier
Beyond analytical methods development aspects (ICP-OES, HPLC, classical biochemistry …), my main research activities in collaboration with research team are part of the following points :
- Determinants of coverage of energy needs and nutrients.
- Sustainable improvement of complementary feeding of the young child in the Southern countries.
- Identify resources-ingredients nutritionally and characterize the evolution of their nutritional value under the influence of the traditional processes.
- Micronutrients and their bioavailability.
- Determinants of the starch digestibility.
Reference Publications
Icard-Vernière C, Picq C, Courbis L, & Mouquet-Rivier C (2016). The Type of Fortificant and the Leaf Matrix Both Influence Iron and Zinc Bioaccessibility in Iron-fortified Green Leafy Vegetable Sauces from Burkina Faso. Food & Function,7(2), 1103-1110. DOI:10.1039/C5FO01227A
Icard-Vernière C, Olive F, Picq C, & Mouquet-Rivier C (2015). Contribution of leafy vegetable sauces to dietary iron, zinc, vitamin A and energy requirements in children and their mothers in Burkina Faso. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 70(1), 63-70.
Cercamondi CI, Icard-Vernière C, Egli IM, Vernay M, Hama F, Brouwer ID, Zeder C, Berger J, Hurrell RF, & Mouquet-Rivier C, 2014. A higher proportion of iron-rich leafy vegetables in a typical Burkinabe maize meal does not increase the amount of iron absorbed in young women. The Journal of Nutrition. 144(9): 1394-1400.
Icard-Vernière C, Hama F, Guyot JP, Picq C, Diawara B, Mouquet-Rivier C, 2013. Iron contamination during in-field milling of millet and sorghum. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61(43) 10377-10383.
Laillou A, Icard-Vernière C, Rochette I, Picq C, Berger J, Sambath P, & Mouquet-Rivier C, 2013. Rapid quantification of iron content in fish sauce and soy sauce: A promising tool for monitoring fortification programs. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 34(Supplement 1), 124S-132S.
Baye K, Guyot JP, Icard-Vernière JP, Mouquet-Rivier C, 2013. Nutrient intakes from complementary foods consumed by young children (12-23 months) from North Wollo, northern Ethiopia: The need for agro-ecologically adapted interventions. Public Health Nutrition, 16(10), 1741-1750.
Hama F, Icard-Vernière C, Guyot JP, Picq C, Diawara B, Mouquet-Rivier C, 2012. Potential of non-GMO biofortified pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) for increasing iron and zinc content and their estimated bioavailability during abrasive decortication. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 47, 1660-1668.
Hama F, Icard-Vernière C, Guyot JP, Picq C, Diawara B, Mouquet-Rivier C, 2011. Changes in micro- and macronutrient composition of pearl millet and white sorghum during in field versus laboratory decortication, Journal of Cereal Science, 54, 425-433.
Greffeuille V, Kayodé APP, Icard-Vernière C, Gnimadi M, Rochette I, Mouquet-Rivier C, 2011. Changes in iron, zinc and chelating agents during traditional African processing of maize: Effect of iron contamination on bioaccessibility. Food Chemistry, 126 : 1800-1807.
Songré-Ouattara, L.T., Mouquet-Rivier, C., Icard-Vernière, C., Rochette, I., Diawara, B., and Guyot, J.P. (2009) Potential of amylolytic lactic acid bacteria to replace the use of malt for partial starch hydrolysis to produce African fermented pearl millet gruel fortified with groundnut.Int. J. Food Microbiol.130, 258-264.
Songré-Ouattara, L.T., Mouquet-Rivier, C., Icard-Vernière, C., Humblot, C., Diawara, B., and Guyot, J.P. (2008) Enzyme activities of lactic acid bacteria from a pearl millet fermented gruel (ben-saalga) of functional interest in nutrition. Int. J. Food Microbiol.128, 395-400.
Mouquet-Rivier, C., Icard-Vernière, C., Guyot, J.P., Tou, E.H., Rochette, I., Trèche, S. (2008) Consumption pattern, biochemical composition and nutritional value of fermented pearl millet gruels in Burkina Faso.International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition59(7): 716 – 729.
Nguyen T.T.T., J.P. Guyot, C. Icard-Vernière, I. Rochette, G. Loiseau (2007) Effect of high pressure homogenization on the capacity ofLactobacillus plantarumA6 to ferment rice /soybean slurries to prepare high energy density complementary food.Food Chemistry,102 : 1288-1295
Nguyen T.T.T., G. Loiseau, C. Icard-Vernière, I. Rochette, Serge Trèche, J.P. Guyot (2007) Effect of fermentation by amylolytic lactic acid bacteria in process combinations on characteristics of rice/soybean slurries: a new method to prepare high energy density complementary foods for young children.Food Chemistry.100: 623-631