UMR 204 NutriPass
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
911 avenue d'Agropolis - Montpellier
- Directeur d'Unité :
- Directeur Adjoint :
Secrétariat :
Catherine Philibert
+33 (0)4 67 41 61 73
Christine Ponchaux
+33 (0)4 67 41 61 18
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
44 boulevard de Dunkerque
13572 Marseille
IRD Occitanie
911, avenue Agropolis
34394 Montpellier

Université de Montpellier
163 rue Auguste Broussonnet
34090 Montpellier
Montpellier SupAgro
2 place Pierre Viala
34060 Montpellier
Claire Mouquet-Rivier
Research Fellow IRD, Dr, HDR
U.M.R 204 Nutripass
911 avenue d'Agropolis
B.P. 64501
34394 Montpellier cedex 5
Scientific and Administrative Responsabilities
- Host of Scientific axis 1 of the UMR.
- Responsible for UMR of the collaboration with GRET in the NutriDev program.
Until 2006 : Head of the UE « Voies Alimentaires d’Amélioration des Situations Nutritionnelles » (Food-based approaches for a healthy nutrition) of the International Nutrition Courses, of the Master's degree Nutrition and Science of Food of the University of Montpellier.
Lessons on the complement food to the young child in the Southern countries in the module frame «Alimentation et lutte contre la malnutrition» (Supply and fight against malnutrition) for the third year engineering students of AgroParisTech (Paris).
Introductory lesson on the sur les Food-based approaches for a healthy nutrition fot the license students of Food and Human Nutrition Technology (L3) of the University of Montpellier.
- Determinants of coverage of energy needs and nutrients among the young childs.
- Sustainable improvement of complementary feeding of the young child in the Southern countries.
- Identify resources-ingredients nutritionally and characterize the evolution of their nutritional value under the influence of the traditional processes.
All the research i lead at the IRD aim to characterize the determinants of coverage of nutritional needs -energy, macro and micronutrients- among the young child in the Southern countries and à en rechercher les conditions d’amélioration. Mes activités se répartissent ainsi selon les trois principales variables déterminant la couverture des besoins nutritionnels :
- The densities of energy and nutrients of food consumed related to the formulation and effects of processes.
- The bioavailability of the nutrients they contain, which depends on the shape of the mocronutrients in the food, but also in the presence of inhibitors or activators, ...
- The amount of food consumed by young children (child's appetite, food acceptability, Carried attention on the child during the meals).
These activities are conducted with the constant concern to take into account the specificity of each context to favor the local low-cost solutions to target the most vulnerable, using local resources and traditional methods or methods that can be implemented locally, in autonomy and sustainability goal. Metodologically, this requires jointly field investigations and coordinate some physicochemical and biochemical analysis at the laboratory. We have adopted an integrated approach to the nutritional value of complementary foods, with for first objective the results of our research will be useful for the prevention of child undernutrition, especially stunting. These works are an extension in action research activities in the framework of the program NUTRIDEV, in collaboration with an NGO, the GRET.
Reference Publications
Mouquet-Rivier C, Traoré T, Soma A, Kaboré C, Trèche S. (2016). Both encouraged feeding style and high energy density may increase energy intakes from fermented millet gruels by young children in Ouagadougou. Appetite, 99, 245-253. DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2016.01.024
Icard-Vernière C, Picq C, Courbis L, & Mouquet-Rivier C (2016). The Type of Fortificant and the Leaf Matrix Both Influence Iron and Zinc Bioaccessibility in Iron-fortified Green Leafy Vegetable Sauces from Burkina Faso. Food & Function,7(2), 1103-1110. DOI:10.1039/C5FO01227A
Icard-Vernière C, Olive F, Picq C, & Mouquet-Rivier C (2015). Contribution of leafy vegetable sauces to dietary iron, zinc, vitamin A and energy requirements in children and their mothers in Burkina Faso. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 70(1), 63-70.
Baye K, Guyot JP, Mouquet-Rivier C, 2015. The unresolved role of dietary fibers on mineral absorption. Critical Reviews in Food Sciences and Nutrition.DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2014.953030
Cercamondi CI, Icard-Vernière C, Egli IM, Vernay M, Hama F, Brouwer ID, Zeder C, Berger J, Hurrell RF, & Mouquet-Rivier C, 2014. A higher proportion of iron-rich leafy vegetables in a typical Burkinabe maize meal does not increase the amount of iron absorbed in young women. The Journal of Nutrition. 144(9): 1394-1400.
Icard-Vernière C, Hama F, Guyot JP, Picq C, Diawara B, Mouquet-Rivier C, 2013. Iron contamination during in-field milling of millet and sorghum. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61(43) 10377-10383.
Laillou A, Icard-Vernière C, Rochette I, Picq C, Berger J, Sambath P, & Mouquet-Rivier C, 2013. Rapid quantification of iron content in fish sauce and soy sauce: A promising tool for monitoring fortification programs. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 34(Supplement 1), 124S-132S.
Kayodé APP, Mertz, C, Guyot JP, Brat P, Mouquet-Rivier C, 2013. Fate of Phytochemicals during Malting and Fermentation of Type III Tannin Sorghum and Impact on Product Biofunctionality, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61(8)1935-1942.
Baye K, Guyot JP, Icard-Vernière JP, Mouquet-Rivier C, 2013. Nutrient intakes from complementary foods consumed by young children (12-23 months) from North Wollo, northern Ethiopia: The need for agro-ecologically adapted interventions. Public Health Nutrition, 16(10), 1741-1750.
Hama F, Icard-Vernière C, Guyot JP, Picq C, Diawara B, Mouquet-Rivier C, 2012. Potential of non-GMO biofortified pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) for increasing iron and zinc content and their estimated bioavailability during abrasive decortication. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 47, 1660-1668.
Amoussa-Hounkpatin W, Mouquet-Rivier C, Dossa RAM, Picq C, Avallone S, 2012. Contribution of plant-based sauces to the vitamin A intake of young children in Benin, Food Chemistry, 131 : 948–955.
Hama F, Icard-Vernière C, Guyot JP, Picq C, Diawara B, Mouquet-Rivier C, 2011. Changes in micro- and macronutrient composition of pearl millet and white sorghum during in field versus laboratory decortication, Journal of Cereal Science, 54, 425-433.
Cames C, Cassard F, Cournil A, Mouquet-Rivier C, Ayassou K, Meda , Bork Simondon K, 2011. Non-breastfed HIV-1-exposed Burkinabe infants have low energy intake between 6 and 11 months of age despite free access to infant food aid. The Journal of Nutrition, 141: 674–679.
Greffeuille V, Kayodé APP, Icard-Vernière C, Gnimadi M, Rochette I, Mouquet-Rivier C, 2011. Changes in iron, zinc and chelating agents during traditional African processing of maize: Effect of iron contamination on bioaccessibility. Food Chemistry, 126 : 1800-1807.
Van Hoan N, Mouquet-Rivier C, Eymard-Duvernay S, Trèche S, 2010. Effect of extrusion cooking and amylase addition to gruels to increase energy density and nutrient intakes by Vietnamese infants. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 19(3) : 308-315.