UMR 204 NutriPass
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
911 avenue d'Agropolis - Montpellier
- Directeur d'Unité :
- Directeur Adjoint :
Secrétariat :
Catherine Philibert
+33 (0)4 67 41 61 73
Christine Ponchaux
+33 (0)4 67 41 61 18
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
44 boulevard de Dunkerque
13572 Marseille
IRD Occitanie
911, avenue Agropolis
34394 Montpellier

Université de Montpellier
163 rue Auguste Broussonnet
34090 Montpellier
Montpellier SupAgro
2 place Pierre Viala
34060 Montpellier
UE : The tools of food and nutrition policies : Comparative Effectiveness
Program of the UE
- Program October and November 2015: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
- Hours 9h-12h
Goal and Content
The food situation of the population is now at the heart of public policies in both industrialized and developing countries. The problemes require appropriate food and nutrition policies. For 50 years, many tools have been tested which is rediscovered efficiency in a context of increasing disparities and an increased prevalence of diet-related diseases.
This trianing will allow you to :
- Understanding sustainability and health issues and diferent conceptual approaches.
- Know and compare existing tools to promote or limit the consumption :
- organizing the devices.
- critical analysis of tools.
- economic analysis.
- Understand who are the disadvantaged / vulnerables, who acts on the food and nutrition policies concerning them, and how.
Program :
- Introduction to group of labor policies (documents 1, 2, 3) and organization.
- Social Marketing (documents 4, 5).
- Social marketing applied on social programs.
- The tools / deficiency.
- The tools / excess.
- Poor peoples / vulnerables.
- On progress role play.
- Methods Program Evaluation : classical approach.
- Innovative approach : Theory of change.
Numbre of ECTS
Conditions and number of hours
Semi-to-face teaching.
CM : 50 h.
Obligatory for the International Nutrition course.
Knowledge test details
Finish exam :
- Session 1 : written exam (2h).
- Oral presentation of group work (3h) and made a written report.
- Session 2 : written or oral exam.
Any prerequisites of the UE : good knowledge of French.
Bénédicte OBERTI - /
Christine TON NU -