UMR 204 NutriPass
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
911 avenue d'Agropolis - Montpellier
- Directeur d'Unité :
- Directeur Adjoint :
Secrétariat :
Catherine Philibert
+33 (0)4 67 41 61 73
Christine Ponchaux
+33 (0)4 67 41 61 18
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
44 boulevard de Dunkerque
13572 Marseille
IRD Occitanie
911, avenue Agropolis
34394 Montpellier

Université de Montpellier
163 rue Auguste Broussonnet
34090 Montpellier
Montpellier SupAgro
2 place Pierre Viala
34060 Montpellier
UE : Methods of food and nutrition surveys in South (« MENASud »)
Goal and Content
The goal is to introduce the concepts and techniques of the nutritional epidiomology for the quantitative assessment of situation and the analysis of déterminants of nutrition phenomena at the population level (in particular in Southern countries).
Content :
- Quantitative methods in nutritional epidimiology (types of epidemiological studies, association indices between exposure factor and health, definition et management of selection, measure and confusion biases).
- Concepts de la mesure de l’état nutritionnel et de la composition corporelle (enfants, adultes) notamment par anthropométrie et la mise en pratique des mesures dans les enquêtes de terrain.
- Measure the determinants of nutritional status, especially the food consumption by different technics as well as the quality and diversity estimation of the diet by composite indices.
- General theoretical, pratical and logistic elements for the implementation of nutritional survey.
- Statistic and computer science methods and tools for the statistic acquisition, management and analysis of collected data in a nutritional survey field (with tacticals in software R).
- Methods of qualitative surveys as further and/or precondition at the implementation of quantitative surveys.
Number of ECTS
Conditions and number of hours
In-class learning
CM : 39 h
ED : 6 h
Obligatory for the International Nutrition course
Recommanded for
International Nutrition course
Knowledge test details
1 written exam (2h) at the semester 3
Prerequisites: Fundamentals espacially the statistic reasoning are useful but not essential (they will be resumed in some course of the UE).
Teachers : Researchers and engineers of research institutes (IRD, CIRAD), international organizations (UNICEF) or others specialized agencies in the study of nutrition issues, in particular in Southern countries.
Pierre Traissac, IRD, UMR NUTRIPASS